Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This morning I came to work thinking hard about the fact that it's my seniors' last day of school. I have five classes and about 120 students with whom I work on a daily basis. I was looking forward to speaking with them at the end of each period, but my plans were thwarted when it was announced (by our principal, over staff email) that during 2nd and 3rd periods, the seniors would be pulling their senior prank. I was saddened that I would be unable to wish my students well during 2nd and 3rd periods, but as I've pondered through the day, I've realized that, like anything, school isn't about the last day. Here are a few things that I'll take away from working with this group of students:

When students feel strongly about something, they will come and discuss it with you. If they do, take courage in their courage and know that they care about what you have to say.

When students are comfortable with their surroundings, they will take risks. When they are allowed to create and are responsible for creating their own school environment, they can be more successful than you ever imagined.

When students write about what they want to write about and when they choose what they want to read, they are much better students. They are students in the natural sense of the word. They are students who can grow to be inquirers, challengers and creators.

I appreciate these three things among many others. Congratulations to East High School's Class of 2012!

1 comment:

  1. I too had the same feelings when the senior prank time was emailed. Having known many of my seniors since kindergarten, I was especially happy to see them step into young adulthood, but I longed for the days when I listened to them read, helped them pick library books, and played games at recess.

    As the class of 2012 experiences life beyond East High School, I hope they remain unafraid to face challenges and continue to learn about themselves and their world.
